Terms and conditions



Appointments with DoctoriumGP will be shared with your primary care provider. (Your own GP) If there is any information which you do not wish to be shared then please make us aware before the end of your consultation.  

As with any Medical appointment, if any clinician believes there to be a safeguarding risk to the patient or dependants of that patient a result of information which comes to light through a consultation, the clinician will inform the patient and relevant safeguarding authorities.  

At the end of each appointment, you will be able to see the information collected about you and your health and the recommendations we are going to make.  If at any point your feel dissatisfied with this advice, then please tell the clinician at the time.  

If you wish to make a complaint about any aspect of your care, these will be investigated in a timely manner please contact admin@doctoriumgp.com.

Cancellation and refunds.  We required 72hrs notice if you wish to cancel you appointment for any reason.  Unfortunately we are unable to offer refunds.  To ensure you get the best out of your appointment at DoctoriumGP please read the preparatory email you will receive and plan your appointment in advance.  


Video content

MenopauseDoctoriumGP video content is accurate and researched.  The content is the opinions and original writings of DoctoriumGP alone, unless where sources are quoted.  If you are unhappy with any of the content provided please feel free to research further yourself.  If you have a complaint about the content please feel free to contact admin@doctoriumgp.com as we are always looking for ways in which we can improve.  If you are not completely satisfied, get in touch for a full refund.  


Courses and MenoPAUSE events

MenopauseDoctoriumGP courses and PAUSE events are accurate and researched.  The content is the opinions and original writings of DoctoriumGP alone, unless where sources are quoted.  If you are unhappy with any of the content provided please feel free to research further yourself.  If you have a complaint about the content please feel free to contact admin@doctoriumgp.com as we are always looking for ways in which we can improve.  If you are not completely satisfied, get in touch for a full refund.  



MenopauseDoctoriumGP products are researched.  At midlife when menopausal symptoms hit we all know what we should be eating and would ideally take 3 sunny holidays per year. Unfortunately life isn't always like that.  If you are maintaining a healthy balanced diet you shouldn't need vitamins (although sunlight in the UK over winter is often not enough to top up our requirement) 

In reality though, for many at midlife that is an ideal that isn't achievable.  Lack of vitamins and minerals can make menopausal symptoms worse, impact bone density and have a detrimental effect on your health.


A 3 month trial to assess whether you have improvement in your symptoms could be considered.

If you receive no benefit after 3 months then please do not continue the supplement.


DoctoriumGP financially benefits from products you purchase bearing our logo or advertised and sold in our name.  As per the GMC guidance DoctoriumGP only recommends products or treatments that our clinicians believe confer benefit to your health.  If you are not completely satisfied, get in touch for a full refund.  


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